Imagine this…
Scenario 1 – You’re pitching to your client with a presentation compiled by your team after hours of meetings, brainstorming, and rewrites.
All’s going well until you discover you’ve used the name of the wrong client in your presentation and boom… that’s the end of that. Your client does not feel valued, your presentation loses all sense of personalisation and quality. All that work was for nothing. 😖
Scenario 2 – Before pitching, you hired a qualified proofreader to check your presentation.
They go that bit further and notice something amiss in the names used in the doc. As well as correcting the usual typos, punctuation, repetitions… they point this out in time and the problem is sorted. The client is happy. 😁
This detail alone is enough to justify my fee (yes this was me very recently).
Which scenario would you prefer? 🤔